Monday, April 11, 2005


For the first time in my life, I took the trouble to go to a local celebrity's album autograph session just to show my support for local talent.

Was a little hesitant to join the queue of mostly young fans moving forward on the make-shift stage to get their idol's signature. So just stood by to marvel at the hopelessly devoted fans screaming or rather synchronising their screams.

Finally plucked up enough courage to grab a copy of the album nearby & walked through the unblocked passage at the front of the stage but was promptly told by security to go another route instead to join the queue. I swiftly headed the direction they pointed but ended up behind closed barricades. Bleah... session over, the policeman on duty told me. However, he was kind enough to signal to the event personnel on stage that there was still one more to go. Was told to crawl under the zig-zag pattern barricade to get through. I rather jump over but my tight jeans didn't allow the flexibility. So I did the unthinkable, & crawled under that small triangular opening just to get up close and personal with the star......

Just hope no one I know saw what took place...or they would have raised their eyebrows at this overaged 'teen' struck with star-struck syndrome .......... hmmm ...kinda reliving a second teenhood.....time regression...mentally ....why not the physical body......ha..ha..hallucinating..........


grace said...

was randomly plonking words to do with pianos into my navigational bar and I stumbled across this.

it's interesting. your blog i mean.

phantom said...

Hi Grace,
your first sentence had me guessing that you must be someone musically inclined, if not
a piano protegee. Couldn't resist navigating to your blog (such is the power of the internet) & found an enigmatic gal from Gen Y, who should pursue her dreams in the music/creative field.

I shall now be visiting your blog (when time permits) to keep up with youthful intelligensia, angst, warts & all.