Sunday, April 10, 2005

Mid-Life Crisis

The start of a new dawn heralds a new beginning for most mortals. Not for me. I dread the dastardly drudgery of daylight living. The daily grind of office work & perennial housework slowly extinguishes whatever tiny sparks that keep this jaded being from totally wearing out.

Thankfully, I managed to slip away for that long overdue weekly swim at the Aranda Club's tiny 'blue lagoon', followed by a steam-bath in scorching temperature that burns your skin like hell, but then some bearable sizzling not only revives your senses, it does good to near-arthritic joints so long as your epidermis does not end up like a roast suckling pig's!

On way home, decided to go punt for a better tomorrow. Went to the Toto outlet next to the Bedok Interchange to pick up Monday & Thursday draw tickets. This Indian shop is listed among the top outlets that have sold most winning tickets. Placing my bets at this outlet should mathematically increase the probability of hitting that jackpot, knowing full well that the odds of winning still remain as slim as ever. But dreams do sometimes come true.......with L-U-C-K.

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