Thursday, September 01, 2005

Success in the Eyes of God

Someone sent me this today. A godly way of defining success by:
Clark Kellogg in Heart of a Champion. (a heir to that successful breakfast cereal empire?)

Key Bible Verse: Our goal is to stay within the boundaries of God's plan for us (2 Corinthians 10:13, NLT).

To me, success is fulfilling my destiny.

Relationally, success is fulfillment in who I am. Who I am is defined by my relationship with God. It's finding contentment and peace in that relationship. Everything else flows out of that.

Professionally, success is finding my particular purpose according to what my gifts and abilities and passions are, then excelling by utilizing those gifts and abilities for God's glory and as a means to sustain myself financially.

Materially, success doesn't mean that I have everything I want, but that my family's needs are met and we're still in a position to give—both financially and of ourselves—to the betterment of other people. It's been said that money can buy you a house, but it can't buy you a home; it can buy you a bed, but it can't buy you sleep; it can buy you a lot of things, but it can't buy you true love or peace. I believe that.

Success involves modeling for my kids a vibrant, living relationship with God. Doing that impacts every area of my life: the handling of my resources, the way I treat people, and the way I carry myself in every venue. That, to me, is what being successful is.

—Clark Kellogg in Heart of a Champion

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