Tuesday, August 09, 2005


Some people have pet peeves. Duh! Who needs peeves for pets?

Whatever, I hope the following peeple do not cross my path again:-

Peeple who put their rubbish in plastic bags & get mother, son, daughter help lug one each down to the lift landing and dump it outside the lift door!
I asked this well-saried English-speaking woman why could'nt she discard the bags downstairs and she gave an asinine reply that she didn't know where. At least she did not spout rubbish when I said it was dangerous to leave them at the lift door landing as it might catch fire. She stayed dumb.

Drivers who do not stop at zebra-crossings (pedestrain crossing where right of way is accorded to the pedestrain). Don't tell me you stop only when you see a zebra! Cameras should be installed at some of these crossings, especially the one near my home and next to a primary school. Many a times, drivers simply ignore me and just drive on even when I wear striped clothing! Once, I had already crossed over to the midpoint of this 2-way lane and the car coming from the other side blatantly drove past. The next time, I'm going to jot down the vehicle number & report it.

I hopped into a jam-packed MRT train one morning rush hour and found myself smouldered by this foul smelling odour coming from god-knows-where. Other commuters with hands pressed against their noses were looking about to see where the skunk was. The obnoxious odour refused to diffuse even when the door opened at each station. Every time the door closed, that breath of fresh air got immediately sucked up by the overpowering stench. I might have fainted (yes I could hardly breathe in the contaminated air) if the next interchange had been too many stations away. Thankfully, it was just 2 stops away from where I boarded and when the crowd dispersed,I scampered towards the middle of the less crowded train, a good number of carriages away.

I hate it now that I've to join the rush hour MRT crowd just so I can get to office in time to catch these US folks before their work day ends over the other side of their continent.

These peeple either do not have toilets at home or suffer from incontinence, or are just simply animals in human clothings. But then, even dogs do not water down any ground they trod on.

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