Thursday, October 13, 2005

Why I ain't leaving with boss

I’ve been asked by all and sundry why I didn’t follow (I ain’t no bitch dog, u know) go along with the boss to her new job as is the tradition with higher management in this company to bring along their assistant when they switch job or get promoted to another job. Here’s the skinny truth (I swear) since people are wont to speculate and create their own juicier versions which in most instances veer towards the untruth.

“Thanks YY. You've been one of the best bosses I've ever worked for. In fact, one of only two lady bosses (the other being BB) and proof that ladies can make even better bosses (with due respect to D and A of course).

What made me dithered in continuing to support you in your new role is more to do with my personal decision to slow down a little in the last lap of my working life in the corporate world. I can foresee this new role of yours is an even more demanding and dynamic one that will require more from the assistant. Nevertheless, I'm deeply honoured and touched by your invitation for us to continue our close working relationship. Thanks for remembering me.

I am definitely going to miss the boss/assistant bond built over the past years and the inimitable camaraderie that has evolved under your leadership.”


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Returning to work is good... for me to poop on
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